12 Birds to Save Your Life: nature’s lessons in happiness by Charlie Corbett (Michael Joseph, 2021) This is a book to make you stop, watch, listen and allow encounters with the natural world to calm you, teach you, heal you, delight you. Charlie Corbett tells the personal and at times painful story of family tragedy,… Continue reading “Consider the birds of the air…”
Month: March 2022
We are here because you were there.
Sathnam Sanghera, Empireland: How Imperialism Has Shaped Modern Britain (Penguin 2021) Sanghera is a British Sikh writer whose parents emigrated to Britain from the Punjab. Or to put it another way, the author is as British as anyone else. Yet the experience of living in multicultural Britain is – for those whose families were from… Continue reading We are here because you were there.
Fabulous Creations – Vanishing Worlds
Roger Lytollis, “PANIC AS MAN BURNS CRUMPETS”: The Vanishing World of the Local Journalist (Robinson 2021) David Hepworth, A Fabulous Creation: How the LP Saved Our Lives (Penguin, Random House 2019) I can remember the frisson of walking home from the record shop with Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon under one arm. There… Continue reading Fabulous Creations – Vanishing Worlds
Morsels of the Night Sky
Book Review: A History of the Universe in 100 Stars by Florian Freistetter (Quercus 2021 – English translation from the 2019 original German edition) This title is surely a winner, and indeed this book is acclaimed an International Bestseller. What could be better than a comprehensible history of the universe, told in bite-sized chapters each… Continue reading Morsels of the Night Sky